accordéon was shortlisted for the 2017 / walrus foundation first novel award

montréal reivew of books
cover, spring 2017 issue
accordéon reviewed by sara spike

accordéon launch: audio excerpt

accordéon launch: audio excerpt 2

electronic narrative, modular synthesizer. recorded january 27th 2017 at casa del popolo, montréal, by nick schofield.

accordéon is a novel, released november 2016 with arp books. jacket and text by loki design.

accordéon is the testimony of an anonymous witness. it is a satire in which fantasy and reality are enmeshed, and the past, the present, and the future exist simultaneously.

the ministry of culture seeks to shape and direct every detail of québec society, and institutes a vast surveillance program. it plants agents in offices, cafés, and daycares. it abducts citizens, interrogates them, and meticulously catalogues their testimony.

when accordéon's itinerant narrator is arrested on a street corner, their testimony discloses a counter-conspiracy in which a magical flying canoe will ascend to thwart the ministry and decolonize québec society.

navette is a chapbook published in 2015 by shape & nature press (greenfield, massachusetts). it contains a conceptual walk and a work of short fiction. the walk visits familiar montréal landmarks that double as passages along a migrant's journey. the story is one of revolution and flight in which a nameless youth, the child of haitian immigrants, comes of age during the 2012 student strike. the brutal duvalier régime and the space shuttle challenger haunt the family's memory, while a future blurred by social unrest, language politics, vintage congolese recordings, and interstellar space engulfs their city.

navette is available through shape & nature press.

maple leaf rag was published in 2010 by arbeiter ring publishing.

mlr is a dynamic, jazz-and-noise-infused riff on canadian culture. its concrete, written soundscape explores belonging, dislocation and relocation, and national identity from a black canadian perspective. this collection of poems syncopates the page and scores speech.

"Explorations into the fluidity of national and linguistic boundaries, and a creative tension between the visual and auditory, as represented on the page through multiple experiments in form, readability, and mixed media artistry, only serve to heighten the book’s emphases on cultural amalgamation and the mutable nature of a people’s and a place’s identities." - r cohen, 2011